Definition of Param Hans by Guru Angad Dev Ji
Bhai Paro Jhulka Ji once asked Guru Ji about what Param Hans (loose translation - supreme swan) means and what are their characteristics as it is usually used to refer to a highly spiritual person.
Guru Ji replied:
Hans are a type of swan living in Maansarovar lake and pearl is their main food. feed on pearls. They have the ability to separate water from milk in a milky solution - able to judge the genuine and fake. They only drink the pure milk leaving out the water.
Param Hans (individuals) are greater than Hans. They feed on mukti (salvation) formed pearls from the Gurbani formed Maansarovar lake. Just like the swans seperate milk and water, Param Hans individuals distinguish the body and true self (Aatma). They have the understanding that this body is temporary as it existed neither in past nor will do in future. Thus, why would one think that this body is real in the present if it wasn't in past & won't be in future? They also know that sufferings are nature of this physical body.
They contemplate that only the true self, Aatma (soul) is eternal as it has always existed and will always be. They then realize that the Aatma is chetan (has consciousness) as well, without which the eyes and other senses cannot function. Accepting that their Aatma has Sat (truth), Chit (consciousness), Anand (bliss) characteristics, Param Hans distinguishes their physical body with their true self and just like someone (soul) who lives in a house (body) but is not the house itself. They consider the body separate just like the house which will be abandoned when it is old. A true Param Hans is that who is able to distinguish the Atmaa from the body just like swans distinguish milk from water. Such Param Hans is a true Bhramgyani.
Once a person has reached this realisation, they do not commit sins in this world and lives like a lotus flower unaffected by worldly pleasures surrounding them like the dirty lake water around the lotus. This is how a Param Hans lives - always focused on their Aatma (true self). When they face hardship or happiness, they remain unaffected. They treat the enlightened and the ignorant equally and consider the world to be a temporary dream. They don't get caught in worldly bondages and remain immersed in Parmatma.
Bhai Paro Jhulka ji was pleased to hear Guru Ji’s teachings and contemplated the teachings further and obtained peace. They continued to serve Guru Angad Dev Ji for a long time and later served Guru Amar Das Ji. They eventually became a Brahmgiani.
- Adhyai 11, Raas 1, Sri Gurpratap Suraj Parkash
Lesson on Accepting Hukam by Guru Angad Dev Ji
Bhai Jeeva Singh Ji was a Langari of Guru Angad Dev Ji. Once, seeing a terrible storm, he pleaded to Guru Ji asking them to stop the storm for a while so that he can prepare food for Guru Ji. Guru Ji replied "One should never ask something like this (to stop the storm) which will put us in a position of being guilty. This storm that Parmatma has sent is to help and assist many - for instance to move unmoving ships cross continents and at another place this storm is helping thousands of hungry snakes to wrap themselves in the sand and also survive by eating the sand. Parmatma is doing some major tasks through this storm, and if we want to end this storm then we would be meddling with His work".
Guruji further elaborated that every action of Parmatma is for good. This storm will lighten the burden of thousands, and by stopping it, we will be held responsible. Trying to intervene and question the acts of the Parmatma is the trait of a Manmukh person. A Gurmukh always stays within order of the Parmatma & not question it. Such Gurmukh doesn't suffer here & hereafter. You want the storm to stop so that you can cook but can’t you wait a little longer? Even if the storm doesn't subside tonight, you can prepare it tomorrow morning. Don't worry about me not eating. It is the main duty of a Sikh, to abide by the will of Parmatma. The benefits of doing meditation, asceticism & charity are all easily obtained by remaining within Hukam. Meditate Satnam & remove away your ego of this temporary body.
Listening to this, Bhai Jeeva asked for forgiveness and adhered to Guru Ji’s teachings. In a very short time he obtained Bhram Gyan, realizing existence of Parmatma within all. He served Guru Ji for the rest of his life.
- Adhyai 11, Raas 1, Sri Gurpratap Suraj Parkash
4 Ways to Liberation and Masculine Feminine Construct
Guru Angad Dev Ji Mahraj once explained about Bhagti (meditation) being the way to attain liberation to three of their Sikhs. The Sikhs then humbly pleaded Guru Ji to explain further on how to meditate. Guru Ji then explained that Parmatma has created Maya and ordered it to create the world. This Maya has swayed everyone to believe in it and forget Parmatma. Parmatma then created four ways for us to reach liberation/remember them:
1. Vairaag
2. Yog
3. Gyan
4. Bhagti
From this four ways, the first three (Vairaag, Yog and Gyan) are to be seen as masculine form. Maya, the feminine form is able to sway them. It takes great effort for one to save self from being captivated by this feminine formed Maya. However, the 4th way (Bhagti) does not cause anyone to sway. It is a faithful wife (feminine form) which cannot be swayed by Maya because a female cannot cause another female to sway (out of lust).
(In Bhagti, we are all to see ourselves as wives of the one husband Parmatma).
The three Sikhs then pleaded Mahraj to explain further on this four ways to liberation. Guru ji then explained:
1. Vairaag (Renunciation)
There are two types - one affecting the body and one affecting the mind. Physical Vairaag is when one renounces all worldly things like wealth, spouse & home. But one's mind still thinks of the comforts of the things he left & desires for them at the same time. Contrarily, vairaag of the mind is when one sees the entire creation pleasures equal to crow droppings and have no intense desire for world possessions. Considering them to be temporary dreams and even if they obtain any worldly possession, they see it as a result of past good karma and not fix their mind on the possesions as they fix their concentration on their actual form (Atmaa Saroop).
2. Yog (Asceticism)
There's also two types - one is Kasht Yog (penance) which has eight forms. The second type is Param Yog; the practice of abstaining mind from desires, consistently contemplating on Gurbani and continuously concentrating on one's true self - the Aatma.
3. Gyan (Knowledge)
Realisation of real-self (Aatma) is known as true Gyan.
4. Bhagti
In the darkage (Kalyug), consider Bhagti to be of the highest virtue. Make Waheguru your Swami (husband), who is complete in powers and is all knowing. One should be a Patbrata (faithful) wife of Parmatma - surrendering body, mind and wealth to Parmatma and fill the memory (Chit) with His love. One should remain in His will and never separate from Him. Until one is not united with Parmatma, one should keep up the effort. One should feel bliss in His union and pain in His separation. Breaths taken without the remembrance of the husband Parmeshar should be painful. In this state, one will also serve anyone who speaks/tells about Parmatma with utmost devotion to know more about Him.Then the husband Parmeshar will recognize the love and meet his beloved (wife) and shower her with love - falling under the devotion of His beloved. The devotee of the Parmatma should all implement this Bhagti path in his/her heart.
Hearing these beautiful words of the Guru, the three Gursikhs did Bhagti and obtained bliss and salvation. They also performed sewa of Satsanggat and their minds awakened in Parmatma’s love.
- Adhyai 11, Raas 1, Sri Gurpratap Suraj Parkash
Earning livelihood & Gurbani Abhiyaas
Once a Sikh named Bhai Gujjar Singh who was a blacksmith said to Guru Angad Dev Ji Mahraj: " Guru Ji, I am always busy earning a livelihood and don't get to do much Sanggat & Sewa. How can I too be liberated from cycle of birth and death?" Guru Ji gave him the following Bachans:
- Recite Japji Sahib with full focus & keep reciting the whole day while you work - it will bring you many benefits. Understand meanings of Japji Sahib & implement it in your life (This shows the importance of repeated Gurbani recitation).
- If any poor person approaches you, help without taking anything in return. Do good deeds from a place of love for your Guru.
- Contribute Dasvandh from your earning to the Guru's house.
- If any Gursikh comes to your house, do their sewa properly.
Bhai Gujjar Ji listened to all this Bachans properly and abided them. This is evident as once two saints who were falsely accused by the King escaped prison and asked his help to remove the iron shackles from their legs. Even though he was afraid of the King punishing him, he removed the shackles because he remembered Guru Ji's bachan to do sewa of Saints. Such was the obedience of the Sikhs of the time to their Guru. The holy Saints blessed him & he quickly progressed on his spiritual journey.
- Adhyai 11, Raas 1, Sri Gurpratap Suraj Parkash
Living like a Corpse
Bhai Thingga Ji was a Sikh of Guru Angad Dev Ji Maharaj who carried out Seva of Sanggat and Guru Ji with utmost dedication. He once asked Guru Angad Dev Ji to give him an Updesh (teaching) that can end all his sufferings. Guru Ji said:
One should walk towards the Guru like entering a grave as a corpse. Like a corpse who is motionless without any breath, an obedient Sikh of Guru should live according to Guru's teaching only and discard his ego and other vices. Guru Ji gave further example of Bhagat Sain Ji who did sewa of saints day & night which greatly impressed Parmatma. Guru Ji advised Bhai Thingga ji to follow their footsteps. He incorporated all these teachings into his life & attained a great progress in his spiritual journey.
- Adhyai 11, Raas 1, Sri Gurpratap Suraj Parkash
Note: It is interesting that the analogy of corpse is given in being obedient to the Guru as Guru Ji also often gives the analogy of a corpse being equivalent to a person without Naam or Guru.
Saving Self from Vices: Advice by Guru Angad Dev Ji.
A Sikh called Bhai Kidari Ji once pleaded to Mahraj saying this entire world in burning in lust and anger, please make me your devotee and save me. Coming to you in fear, please have mercy on me and give me your support.
Guru Angad Dev Ji Mahraj then replied "Indeed, the world is burning in vices. Just like when a jungle burns naturally from the natural fire in woods, the deer living in the jungle go into the river to avoid the intense heat and enjoy the coolness of the river. Similarly, witnessing the world burning in fire of vices, one should join Satsanggat & do Sewa. Coming to this river of Satsanggat, vices are destroyed & coolness (bliss) is obtained from Gurshabad. Contemplating on Gurbani, coolness is obtained from heat of Moh (attachments)."
Listening to the Bachan of Guru Ji, Bhai Kidari ji firmly implemented these teachings in his life.
- Adhyai 11, Raas 1, Sri Gurpratap Suraj Parkash Granth